Sunday, May 06, 2012

Preparing a Vegetable Garden

The month of May has arrived and given us some very lovely sunny days to do some more projects out in the yard. With my baby plants growing fairly well and the temperature getting better and better, I have been trying to plan where I would plant what.

Decorative squash, tomato

Basil and mini cucumbers. The cucumber plants suffered from the temperature fluctuations, so I took them back inside until the outside temperature gets more even.


Originally, I wanted to use the small beds around the new terrace for growing peas and cucumbers and what not. But I quickly realized that my ideas were too big for the size of these two small patches and a few flower pots. I also noticed that with leaves growing in the nearby trees, my "garden spot" is way too much in the shade!

However, THIS spot is perfectly located!

The future vegetable garden

It has sun all day, is on the side of the yard we use the least (so is out of the way) and is close to the compost corner, as well as being easily reachable with the water hose.

The only issue is that we have never touched this flower bed since we moved into the house, and as you can see, it is completely overtaken by weeds. A huge cleanup is in order! So my husband and I worked on this project yesterday and today. It is not done yet, but I should be able to finish the clean up during the week so that we can do the last details next weekend. This will be just in time to sow, as most of what I want to grow apparently needs to be sowed mid to late May if it is done directly outside in the garden.

Clearing weeds out
I'm still unsure of what we'll do with the small tree. It can't stay there, obviously, so I am hoping we can move it to a new location.

I am so excited about this project! I have never had a vegetable garden before. I am eager to see if anything good will come out of it! I sure hope so. My grandparents used to have a garden and I have such lovely memories of going there in the summer and eating freshly picked carrots or tomatoes. Mmmmm!  I wouldn't mind using my own home grown vegetables in my salads this summer.  

I'll be posting updates (hopefully very soon) about the new garden patch. :)


  1. Wow!
    Det ser rigtig godt ud - hvor er det spændende med en ny køkkenhave :)
    Glæder mig til at se resultatet, både nu når det er ryddet og om at par måneder når det bugner af grønsager.

    Jeg har nogle forskellige bønnefrø, du kan få hvis du er interesseret. og nogle citrontagetes - blomsterne kan spises og planterne er gode i køkkenhaven fordi de hjælper på skadedyrene. Jeg har også stadig nogle stikløg til rødløg. Du må komme forbi snart :)

    1. Tak Pia! Jeg er meget spændt! Tidligere i år ville jeg bare prøve at dyrke et par grønsager, men så blev det mere og mere spændende. Der er for mange sorter, jeg gerne ville dyrker. Derfor blev mind mand og jeg enig om med det her projekt. (Han er enig, men der skal findes squash i køkkenhaven, hehehe)

      Det lyder godt med frø, citrontagetes og stikløg. :) Jeg vil også gerne se hvordan det går med dit lille stykke af paradis. ;)
