Monday, March 26, 2012

Tiana's time

The weather here has been absolutely perfect for some early garden preparations and such. It has been sunny and comfortable. I have spent SO much time in the yard in the last few days and accomplished so much! I just love that time of the year where I can feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and start trading my winter jacket for a simple fleece vest. :)

But I'm not the only one here who really enjoys sunny days. My cats are also especially lively and affectionate when the sun is shining onto our patio and into our dining room. I guess the sun really is important to all life and really does play a role on the mood, no matter who or what you are.

Tiana's ultimate happy time is when my husband gives her a massage on the sunlit patio. This especially happens on Saturday or Sunday mornings from Spring to Fall. Not only does Tiana love it, she asks for it! She meows and "calls" my husband until he goes to her for massage time. He then starts caressing her fast and quite strongly from head to tail, with the tip of his fingers. This causes Tiana to "bruuu", purr, roll and twist in pure enjoyment.

Sometimes, she sounds almost angry, so you would think she doesn't actually like it, but if my husband stops, Tiana runs after him, meows and "talks" as to get him to start again. It's quite a cute sight! The massage also removes a lot of loose fur, which stays outside instead of falling inside on our floors! At the same time, we help the birds build a cozy, soft and warm nest for their little ones to come. :)

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